Academy of Arts for Enlightenment
Academy of Arts for Enlightenment
Enjoy the ancient roots of Maqam system with Maharishi Gandharva Veda
'Gandharva music is that melody from which all the melodies have sprung. When we say Indian classical music or Western modern music, these are different aspects of Gandharva music, the eternal music of nature. All languages and melodies spring from the infinite order that is maintained in nature in its different rhythms, harmonies, and frequencies.'
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

What is Maharishi Gandharva Veda ?
Gandharva Veda is the classical music of the ancient Vedic civilization of India, which enjoyed Heaven on Earth. Gandharva Veda music is the eternal music of nature — the rhythms and melodies of nature expressed as music. Gandharva ragas (makam) reflect the pure, coherent flow of sound to neutralize stress and disharmony, and gently restore life in tune with the laws of nature. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of the Transcendental Meditation programme has revived Gandharva Veda in its purity by reconnecting it to its source in Veda (Vedic Science, the science of total knowledge).

Music in Tune with the Rhythms of Nature
Gandharva Veda melodies express the rhythms and frequencies of Nature as they change throughout the day and night. Different Gandharva ragas (makam) capture and magnify these frequencies to maximize their benefit to human life. RadyoHarmoni presents Gandharva ragas (makam) in their pure form, in tune with these changing values of Nature. Play Maharishi Gandharva Veda music 24/7, continuously and contribute to creating world peace! You will enjoy its individual benefits when you listen, but even when no one listens to the melodies, the benefits will spread in the environment, creating balance, peace and harmony in the whole world.

Benefits to Life:
Bliss. Peace. Harmony
Gandharva music is a very precious science and art of creating harmony within oneself, one’s family, city, country, and the whole world. Those who listen to Gandharva Veda melodies, report more bliss, calmness, peace and wellbeing in life. Research indicates that Gandharva Veda music leads to significant decreases in negative emotions and increases in positive emotions*. According to Maharishi’s Festival of Music for World Peace (1986), when Gandharva music was played extensively around the world, negative tendencies in society were notably reduced and replaced by trends of positivity and peace.

For Individual Benefits
Sit comfortably, eyes closed.
Listen full raga (musical piece) from beginning till end

For Ecological Benefits
Connect speaker(s) to your mobile or computer
Instal speaker(s) outdoors - in your garden, field, orchard, balcony
Scientific Research

*Travis, Morehead and Parim, 2023, Effects of Gandharva Veda Music on Mood States International Journal of Psychological Studies.
Published in the International Journal of Psychological Studies Findings of three studies have been reported. In the first study of over 1,800 participants, findings suggest that listening to Gandharva music led to significant decreases in negative emotions (tension, anger, fatigue, depression) and increases in positive emotions (self-esteem, vigor). The second study involving 78 students showed higher levels of vibrant health and lower levels of negative health after listening to Gandharva music. A third study of a brainwave analysis of a Gandharva Veda musician revealed high alpha coherence (8-10 Hz), indicating inner silence even during complex performances.
Testimonials from Farmers